Programming Languages war Python, PHP, Javascrip (Nodejs) "Frameworks"
Hey my friends, a new post about this war. I don't know which is better, but I'll try to figure it out. I hope y'all enjoy this series. Here we go!
I'm going to install Django (Python), Laravel (PHP), Expressjs (Javascript). You have to remember in this case you need to have installed Python, PHP and Node. If you haven't installed that "PART I " I explained to you.
First, I'm going to install pip. PIP is Python's manager of packages. It's easier and to need. It's my best way to install Django.
sudo apt install python3-pip -y
I recommend you that you use for default the command "pip" instead of "pip3".
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/pip pip /usr/bin/pip3 1
With this command you can validate which is the version.
pip --version
Now, to install Django.
pip install django
To validate the version of Django.
django-admin --version
This command creates your project.
django-admin startproject luffydjango
In my case I installed this project in virtualbox, so, I had changed this file.
nano luffydjango/
If you used an IP distinct to localhost, you have to edit this line.
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["your-server-ip"]
And now I run my server.
python3 runserver
First, you need to install composer is PHP's manager of packages and you need some requirements
apt install composer
Now, I validate version of the composer.
composer --version
Now you run.
composer global require laravel/installer
And 2000 years later. ๐
Now, I like to use Laravel like a command, so you remember I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 I need to do that.
nano $HOME/.bashrc
Add at the end of the file.
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.config/composer/vendor/bin"
Next run this command.
source $HOME/.bashrc
Then you can run a command for see what is your version of Laravel's installer.
laravel --version
So, I could install my project.
laravel new ace-project
And now I run my server.
php artisan serve --host
I'm going to install npm. Npm is... Nodejs' manager of packages. =P
apt install npm
Now... I validate the version of npm
npm --version
Next, you install express generator.
npm install -g express-generator
I validate express' version.
express --version
Next, you install your project
express saboexpress
Next module installation
npm install
And now I run my server
npm start
By the way, the default port is 3000 in expressjs
Structure: Django weighs 17.4 kB, Laravel weighs 39.3 MB, Express weighs 6.9 MB Steps: Python 8 steps, Laravel 8 steps, Express 7 steps Installation time: In my case Laravel was slower download packages First impression: Python with his rocket is more pretty ๐
Would you like that I write more info about Frameworks?
I hope you enjoy my post and remember that I am just a Dev like you!